

JSON object structures living inside of an Index.


This is a simple Document.

  "name": "101 Dalmatians",
  "release_year": "1961",
  "active": true,
  "duration_min": 879,
  "category": ["Adventure", "Family"],
  "rating": {
    "imdb": 7.3,
    "rotten_tomatoes": 98

Attibute types

The names on the left side before the colon : are the attribute names, and on the right side, we have the attribute values.

The allowed document valid attributes types array,string,float,integers,boolean and object.

String / Float / Integer / Boolean

There isn't something worth noting about most of the attribute types, except for the two array and object.


The array attribute sizes above is internally handled as one single attribute size that has two values.

Imagine this if this was possible.

  "category": "Adventure",
  "category": "Family"

now, of course, this isn't a valid JSON, but it's just for demonstration for you to take an idea of how it's handled internally.

Nested objects

Nested object types are flattened; In our example the rating object will be internally flattened and treated like this.

  "": 7.3,
  "rating.rotten_tomatoes": 98

Documents table

In the Documents section in the Sigmie Application, you can find a table containing your Index Documents.

You can view, edit, update, delete and filter your Documents there.

This is fine for toying around and for minor changes but always consider using the API endpoints for dynamic integration between your application and Sigmie.

Filter language

Of course, you can use just write the value that you are looking for in the documents table, but there is a Query language available to search for documents in the documents table search box to allow easiers and more flexible filtering.


For the boolean attributes, you can use the is: filter.

For example, let's say that you have a boolean attribute active, and you want only to see the active documents.

In this case, you can write is:active in the search box.


Numeric values can be filtered with range filters. If you have stock field and you want to see only products whose stock is bigger than 20, you can write stock:>20.


In many cases, you may need to search a specific document by its _id.

Here's an example _id:1HtVh4IBrbFU6hq5Niqr.


Wildcard searching is also available for the cases where you aren't sure that exactly a field contains.

For example name:"The Lion King*"


To add a new document to your Index, you can click on the Add button above the documents table.

You will then see an input modal. There you can either add a single document by simply writing putting the values that you want.

  "name": "Pinocchio",
  "release_year": "1940"

Or even create multiple documents by creating an array of JSON objects.

    "name": "Pinocchio",
    "release_year": "1940"
    "name": "Hercules",
    "release_year": "1997"

API - Upsert

Adding a single Document is of course, also possible using the API endpoint.

PUT/v1/index/{ index-name }/document


  "name": "Hercules",
  "release_year": "1997"

Adding an _id attribute will create or replace a document with the given _id.

Keep in mind that this is an upsert action, and it will replace all existing document attributes. If you want to only partially update a document use the patch endpoint.

API Batch

You can also use the batch endpoints to addmultiple documents at once.

PUT/v1/index/{ index-name }/batch


    "action": "create",
    "body": {
      "name": "Pinocchio",
      "release_year": "1940"
    "action": "create",
    "body": {
      "name": "Hercules",
      "release_year": "1997"


To update a document, click on the edit icon on the document row on the table.

API - Patch update

The patch endpoint can be used to only partially update a Document over the API.

PATCH{{ _.proxy_url }}/v1/index/{ index-name }}/document/{ _id }


  "name": "Hercules",
  "duration_min": 99

API - Batch

To update multiple Documents over the API, use the batch endpoint.

PUT/v1/index/{ index-name }/batch


    "action": "update",
    "_id": "36VtPoIB1B_0_E8pmVb4",
    "body": {
      "name": "Pinocchio",
      "duration_min": 88
    "action": "update",
    "_id": "36VtPoIB1B_0_E8pmVb4",
    "body": {
      "name": "Hercules",
      "duration_min": 99


To delete a Document, you can click on the trash icon in the documents table or again use the API endpoint.

API - Delete

DELETE/v1/index/{ index-name }/document/{ _id }

API - Batch delete

To delete multiple Documents over the API, use the batch endpoint.

PUT/v1/index/{ index-name }/batch


    "action": "delete",
    "_id": "36VtPoIB1B_0_E8pmVb4"
    "action": "delete",
    "_id": "36VtPo2VB1B_0_E8pmVb4"

Size limit

The allowed Document size for a document is 100KB.
